Charmaine Roche
Accredited Executive Coach, Supervisor, PhD Researcher
Lifeflowbalance Coaching and Consulting Ltd
Introducing conscientization as a literacy in coaching and supervision
23/04/24, 13:00
Charmaine Roche is the Director of Lifeflowbalance Coaching and Consulting Ltd and an Association for Coaching Accredited Executive Coach, CSA Accredited Coach Supervisor, and PhD researcher at Leeds Beckett University.
As a researcher, writer and podcaster, Charmaine contributes thought leadership in the field of executive coaching with her focus on the ethics of coaching for social change, and equity through the systemic lens of decoloniality.
Publications: Roche, C. Decolonising Coaching, 2021, Coaching Perspectives. 10-12, Issue 28. Roche, C & Passmore, J., (2023) Anti-racism in coaching: a global call to action, Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 16:1, 115-132, DOI: 10.1080/17521882.2022.2098789. Roche, C., Decolonising reflective practice and supervision, 2022, Philosophy of Coaching: An International Journal, Vol. 7, No.1, May 2022, 30-49. http://dx.doi.org/10.22316/poc/07.1.03